Climate Change And Migration
Home Climate Change And Migration
Climate Change And Mitigation
This includes efforts to reduce or prevent emission of greenhouse gases and putting in place new technologies and renewable energies or changing management practices or consumer behavior. The main goal is to reduce human risks from the harmful effects of climate change like sea-level rise, more intense extreme weather events, or food insecurity. It also includes making the most of any potential beneficial opportunities associated with climate change for example, longer growing seasons or increased yields in some regions. Protecting biodiversity and expanding natural areas is one of the most effective ways to tackle climate change and combat desertification.
Melian Foundation applies SBC theory-based approaches to identify opportunities to change behaviors at the individual, community, and/or societal levels. SBC interventions can employ a range of strategies e.g., interpersonal communication, advocacy, social mobilization, structural or environmental interventions at different levels e.g. individual, community to empower, motivate, and strengthen the capability of target groups to improve their livelihoods, adapt to climate variability and change and increase overall resilience.
The government has already put in place strategies to support communities establish such sources and our role will be to facilitate the process toward implementing such programs to the marginalized communities and the groups in need.
Our committment is to stand with other partners and government to facilitate the established strategies and implement programs which will entirely focus on supporting the global SDG's and government strategies.